about us
Covering Stirling, Alloa, Falkirk, Clackmannanshire, Grangemouth, Polmont, Bo'ness and surrounding areas.
Our specialism is in dog behaviour and rehabilitation, and offer most areas of dog sports and training. We welcome all breeds and our aim is to grow and build the relationship and understanding between the owner and dog. We aim to equip you with the knowledge to understand your dog's mind and how to work in partnership together. We only use science-based, kind force-free training methods.
My name is Ann and I head the team at the training centre. I qualified with British Institute of Professional Dog trainers and have attended a number of courses with COAPE, APDT, BAT, Dogs Trust and I’m a member of the PPG.
I was also very fortunate to have trained with Nina Bondarenko, the world wide specialist in dog behavioural training and I am currently studying for a higher specialist qualification in modifying the behaviour of dogs with aggression problems.
I have had the pleasure working with Geisha Stewart, the Behavioural Adjustment Training world known specialist in her field of reactive and fearful dogs. Her BAT 2.0 training is a fantastic tool in aiding dogs to overcome there behavioural problems in a kind effective way.
Stirling Dog Behavioural Centre only use kind effective methods in our classes and no choke chains or adverse methods are allowed. That's because we understand that dogs learn more effectively through positive reinforcement than when they are are forced to learn through fear and submission.
My aim is to give owners the skills to shape there dogs behaviour and give both owner and dog a happier better quality of life, please enjoy looking at our site.